Friday, September 15, 2006


Well, we've cupped the final eleven cups and what an experience it was! Great coffee made it to the final table. One juror actually awarded a 100 point score! I wasn't that genorous, but I did give 4 - 90+ scores on the final table. I found the top three coffees to be extraordinary! Creamy, Extremely sweet with hints of orange and chocolate and a very refined acidity. the competition I believe was a huge success and I think will bring a very good price at the auction. And it was a first for the Colombian auction as well, a Female farmer was actually the winner. I will try to post photos from the awards ceremony when I return home.

I hope you enjoyed the photos and updates on the competition. It was grueling and extremely hot in Neiva. I'm glad it's over and I look forward to next years competitions. Colombian coffees are getting better and better in large part thanks to the Cup of Excellence Colombia program. I believe farmers are becoming more and more aware of what quality is and that it doensn't happen by mistake, but rather by hard work and harvesting only the ripe cherry from the tree.

Warm Regards - I leave for home early Mondya morning - and I'm ready!



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